find Rs. 15 million and $ 5.5 lakhs
(Lanka-e-News 16.Feb.2010 9.30AM) The election funds of the opposition Presidential candidate Gen. Fonseka deposited in a safe in a private Commercial Bank was inspected by the CID yesterday (15).This inspection was done with an order obtained from the Courts . It was confirmed that a sum of Rs. 15 million and US dollars 5.5 lakhs in cash were found in the Bank Security Safe in the name of Dhanuna Thilakaratne and his mother .
The Lawyers of Dhanuna had declared that these monies were funds received for Fonseka’s election purposes, and they have adequate documents to prove that.
Dhanuna Thilakaratne’s family told Lanka e news that the Police after the inspection of the Safe had left with or without sealing it , adding that they suspect this is a scheme by the Govt. to link these funds to the HI Corp Co. alleged deals .
It was however further revealed that the amount of Dollars in the Safe was much below the amount allegedly involved in the HiCorp Co. deal.
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he he heeeeeeeeeee
just like PONSEKA..